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Business process automation and improvement

Smoother processes for improved focus and decisions


There are always more processes to digitalize and standardize, more workflows to adjust and automate. Some processes might be best retired or replaced with some fundamentally better approach altogether. These changes free up the resources and people in the organization to focus on longer term and higher-leverage functions.

There can be tremendous value in integrating data from different information systems. Standardizing and automating fundamentally digital flows like web visitors and online marketing, and combining them with other data sources to produce measurable business metrics will help analyse and predict the impact of business decisions and investments.

Business process automation and improvement

How we work and what the process looks like

We start by analysing the processes and information systems already in place, mapping out the current pain points, concerns and known opportunities, as well as the requirements for the resulting systems.

Since there are usually many potential solutions for improving any system, some requiring more extensive changes than others, we review the alternatives and help decide between the options.

After identifying the best potential efficiency gains, we follow up with a quick working prototype for the improved flow to test any assumptions made, and to confirm the new concepts. Based on the results and feedback we keep iterating on the improvements and ultimately develop the solutions into a fully working system.

Application areas

  • Financial services and banking
  • B2B services
  • B2C software products
  • Online retail
  • Online wholesale